Grasshopper for Engineers
What is Grasshopper?
Grasshopper is a parametric design tool which is a plugin to McNeel and Associate’s CAD software Rhinoceros. Although its adoption was at first dominated by architects, many engineers in the AEC industry now use Grasshopper as part of their daily work. We talk much more about the history of Grasshopper in engineering in other posts, so for more information on Grasshopper, be sure to check those out.
In this 3-part video introduction, we will aim to introduce some key concepts of Grasshopper. To learn how to use Grasshopper for your engineering workflows and unlock numerous benefits for your engineering career and salary, make sure to check out our Grasshopper for engineers course where you will find hours of content, assignments, and quizzes which you can complete to earn a TCE certification.
Grasshopper Lists
Mastering lists is a first step in to mastering the Grasshopper language. In this video, we will go through some of the basics of the Grasshopper interface as well as your first ‘hello world’ Grasshopper script in the form of a parametric 3-point arc. From there, we show how the same skills can be used to create a tool which analyzes a complex relationship between a curved facade and structural members. Get TCE certified in lists by completing our course on advanced Grasshopper list skills and stand out from the competition in your next interview or pay raise.
Grasshopper Datatrees
Mastering datatrees in Grasshopper is a true sign that you are well on your way to effectively implementing computation as part of your engineering career. It is the key to many advanced workflows and is the main topic of this video in which we dive deeper into the facade-structure interaction tool covered in the first video.
Datatrees for Engineers
In this video, we do a deep dive into an advance computation workflow which compares structural analysis models. The script helps us helps us flag the differences between a Robot and Strand structural model in seconds – a task that otherwise would take months to complete!
Interested to learn more about Grasshopper and other coding languages used in engineering? Then be sure to check out all of our computational engineering courses which will help your career and salary growth.